Saturday, 3 March 2012

To evolve or vanish ~ let's now rise & gently awaken one another

Please read all of this: you may be tempted to skim. Please do not. I can be a man of few words but not this day. Not now. The last time I went into detail about some of the things here, I had all my notes mysteriously vanish. Scores of articles deleted. See what is now the second note I posted here for an insight into this writing that has someone so worried that they would hack my facebook account & delete everything I'd written. This could happen again.
I am just one person like you, but with one note on a social networking site I am now thousands of people, because I am not a person, I am a soul, made energy & given endless forms that I may experience & get to know myself in the fullness & majesty of who & what I can become. This is the exact same for you. We are not human beings, sometimes having a spiritual experience. Know the truth. We are spiritual beings at all times, now having a human experience.
I want to make some statements about the draconian concept of scarcity equating to value, because you will soon know that energy is free. I also want to challenge you with questions. I was challenged this morning at around 3:30am. Questions are more valuable than answers. An answer can kill creation. There is no authority without responsibility. So my first question to you is, who is your highest authority? When you know your answer ask yourself what kind of responsibility you expect from it. Feel free to comment with responses to any question you find in this post.
Many who read this will have had it drilled into them from the moment they could give their attention... if something is rare, it has more value. In one system we are all provided with everything we require for our chosen path in life. In this system I have seen such insanity, that one man has killed another for what is in essence, innocence & in every sense, just a bag of seeds. Innocent because no one does anything wrong given their model of the world, he had a family to feed. Innocent because the man who did this was not responsible for the situation that forced such a decision upon him.
Is this what we want for our family? Must violence sustain us after all these years?
A long time ago I used to say 'Fighting solves everything' & I hope it is no longer true. We need warriors with white flags now, those who are strong enough to trade in their swords & shields for a different set of weapons. Stay with me & read on. because this note could add a string to your bow or even your Lyra.
People have been fooled that there is not enough. This deception allows for rich people to grow vast sums & meaningless quantities of minerals, metals & money whilst half the world starves. This is an abundant planet where there is enough food, energy & space for billions more people. In fact, the living earth, she will grow with us until we gain our wings en mass. A great man once asked, 'Why do you have to pay to live on the planet you were born on?' The birds in the sky are fed. Our situation is unique to our species here. And it is starting to affect many others. This has to stop now. You can demand change, you can create it. You are more powerful than any weapon, armor or hired gun. You have something within you that has shaped the cosmos. Allow me to bring it out of you...
Because maybe it has been so long that you have forgotten, but you were once a hunter, then you became a warrior also, then you ceased to be a hunter & became a farmer, then you became a trader & soon after that, instead of becoming a traveler to other worlds, you built a world based on scarcity, running on time which in turn was running out, ancient sunlight, converted as fossil fuels... this became your currency along with the printed paper which is meaningless & backed by nothing. You became a consumer... then you became a resource, a money maker for rich people to grow richer from. I now ask you to return to your roots & join us. Because we are quite the hunters... & you are too long out of the wild. Yes there is something powerful within you, a dormant code that has been suppressed for generations. Soon you will have it back. When that happens, things will be easier & quicker... until then, you have a power that has always been with you, the power of free will, so read this:
A third of the world's obese people live in the developing world. Obesity related conditions cost the US $118 billion in the 1990s, more than double the $47 billion attributable to smoking. The type of diet we intake is cited as the chief cause.
There are almost 100 million missing Chinese women. Infanticide & a preference for boys has resulted in a huge disparity. I've been deep into China & you really notice it when you get out into the rural areas. I once saw a woman & had the realization that she was the first I had seen the entire day. This is no small thing. If you've been to China you'll know that it is heaving with people, people who will mostly live their whole lives without enjoying the fullness of the human experience. They simply get by & make do.
More than 12,000 women in Russia alone are killed each year in domestic violence.
Every cow in the European Union is subsidized by $2.50 a day. That is more than what 75% of Africans have to live on.
There are over 40 million child laborers in India.
Landmines kill or maim at least one person every hour.
There are over 300,000 prisoners of conscience in the world today.
Not including the black budget, in the last year alone the U.S. has spent more than 400 billion dollars on its military. This is 33 times the military spending of all the 'rogue states' combined.
More than 60,000 people are employed in the lobbying industry in Washington D.C. More than 100 for every elected member of congress. ...
And then they have the audacity to place the name of Lycurgus in the house of representatives. To me that seems as bizarre as Hitler having a portrait of Anne Frank hanging on the wall of his bunker.
It is no longer the case of men of few words requiring few laws...
Now I say, you can measure the future of a people by the number of its laws. The more laws are required, the less of a future those people have. Time is your most precious commodity, not oil & just like your oil, you will have a limitless cycle of time. There is no avoiding what you began so do not let yourself become distracted by the wretched machinations of the world.
I have five laws. I will tell you the first three. Honesty, Awareness & Responsibility. Someone misses a point in life or even the whole point & someone honest points out this sin. Hopefully the one who has said to have gone against their aims will be the same honest one.
The word sin comes from the ancient Greek, meaning 'to miss the mark' as one would miss a target. The arrow that misses the target can fly further so long as it is well guided.
Awareness is required to then acknowledge before all who are affected by the misguided actions that they missed their aim & caused harm or transgressed against another.
Responsibility is then required to redo, make do, renew, atone or recreate that which was, should be & shall now be.
Entire worlds can live on these three laws alone. But in an age of dualities two more are required. I will save that for another occasion.
Call on your power now. Use your limitless intelligence, freedom of choice & every ounce of your being, because if you give just one percent of your time, one percent of your money & one percent of your energy to the cause of awakening others we can end this nonsense within just a couple of generations.
I was asked how many people must awaken for there to be a true revolution. The number required to make a stand against all deception & create a lasting change. My reply... do not expect a number, just go tell your family, then your friends & then anyone who will listen to you, even if you have to stop people in the street. Any number of us can change this world... one conversation at a time.
Flight attendants can cripple British Airways by going on strike. I say that anyone can earn their wings by standing in a similar union, a union of conscious commerce, where we reward only ethical companies with our custom. Think of how different the world could be if the bankers who sell out the earth could no longer profit from usury. Or how healthy our children will be when we educate them about the chemicals in our foods or even on the use of high fructose corn syrup. The Coca-Colas, Nestles & Krafts of this world would be forced to change their ways in order to do business. If you can imagine a world where ethics were put before profit, then you can realize this world. So let us see it with our real eyes.
Because we have a choice & we on the ground are innocent of these wrongs, it may not be your battle but this is your war. A war for your mind, for your commerce, your credit score & your consumption. Some of the greatest warriors who ever lived once carried heavy shields & spears taller than themselves. Now your shield is your knowledge & your spear is how far you can reach to shield another. Then you have the sWord of your tongue & sharp mind which can build a civilization or destroy it, depending on what it speaks & what it tastes.
I am recruiting. Every once in a while I organize a hunt. The next hunt begins on October the tenth this year. If you want to get involved, contact me: make your subject line 'Many Hands Make Light Work.'
Here are some resources:,,,,,,,
Now, let us rise & gently awaken one another.
If you didn't know it Harlequin is Humanity's destiny. A many coloured being, destined to dance in the garden of the universe recreating life in its own image, as it has done for time immemorial. A being that fell for love & fought to rise again here in this place ever since. The age of duality is over. One day it will be time for re-verse-alls. Black Stars & White Holes.
Soon this race will retake its place among our celestial brethren. When you can hear thoughts & form colours in the space around you, you will know it is time & you will be reunited in song, music & dance, because that is what our race is known for.
As One... Your family awaits in the high places. We are not the Lyra we are the song. We will dance at the end of time.
Questuae Pquelle. Pa Taal.

1 comment:

  1. i, a procyan sTarseed, Have channElled messages from my home. The procyans seek to reach an agreement with the draconians, But i can not provide thiS infOrmation directly without the right questions put Forth. D.ue to an awareness that i am under heavy 4d attack, i Can Only share so Much unless me and my family can receive orders of protection.
